Saturday, 27 November 2010

Props Needed!

Props we need to make the filming look more effective in a real wedding the groom has a corsage and the bride as a bouquet in this case we are using roses (red and peach with white flowers) we need to bouquet an alive set of roses and a dead set. We need a brides outfit we are using a modern short creamy dress with cream woolly tights and a Vail to represent the bride and the broom in a suit with a sliver tie. The next prop is a knife this is for the bride so it can show the conventions of death, we also have confetti to show a convention of a wedding. A prop we are using that isn't being shown is tiger balm this is to help the bride cry on cue because it the ingredients to encourage the persons eyes to water the the balm is rubbed underneath them.
Make-up is also needed such as eyeliner when she crys after the eyeliner and mascara will be down her face to show she has cryed this will also show mystery we will also need to bring a comb this so we can increase the size of the brides hair to make her look like she is angry and gone crazy!

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Media ideas and questionnaire results.

Over the pass week our group: Rebekah Willcox, Jacob Wright and I have been planning our thriller openings. last week we did our media pitch this turned out well because we had everything planned out and had what we had to say on queue cards ready.

Before in advance when had to find out from the pubic what kind of things entertained them when watching a thriller. We handed out 31 questionnaire to students around school from ages of 11-16 and to adults to get a different perspective on what people like and look for in a film. There were 12 questions which were:

What is your gender?
Male        Female

 What is your age?
11-16   17-24   25-30    31-40    Other

What is your favorite film genre?
Comedy   Thriller    Horror    Romance   Action     Other

How often do you watch films?
Daily     Weekly       Monthly     Other.

What are you expectation within a thriller?
What is your favorite movie?

Do you get a head start and go to the cinema or wait til the movie is out?
 go to Cinema     get it on DVD      Download

What do you expect in a thriller opening?

What types of characters would you expect in a thriller?

What type of setting would you expect in a thriller?
Woods      House      Park      Graveyard      Morgue     Other

What thriller opening from what film do you find good?

What type of music do you expect in a thriller? (Opening)
Intense     Dramatic    Horror     Other

What type of film classification, When watching a thriller would you expect?
12      15     18

Do you think 18 is too higher of classification for a thriller?
Yes     No

What theme would you expect to be mixed with a thriller?
Horror    Action      Comedy     Other

Our media questionnaire helped influenced us on what idea to go into this is because we had to research thrillers as a whole and our thriller opening has to be what people like in a movie. So the media questionnaire helped us because it made us realise that a lot of people prefer romance to thrillers so our idea has a hint of hidden romance to the genre. When the question what genre would you mix with a thriller if it was a hybrid genre most people answered action then horror we have gone with the audiences idea of horror to create conventions such as mystery and sadness. The music is a key importance to a movie especially in a thriller in the options of intense, dramatic, horror and other most of the respondents said they prefer intense music in a horror this is because it creates a sense of suspense, also a lot people agreed with thrillers being taken place in a graveyard some of our will be shot in graveyard or there will be shots of the graveyard as we are shooting in church this will create connotations of death by seeing gravestones.

Three pitch ideas
Distraught bride

our first idea is called the distraught bride this story line is about a bride who gets left at alter and seeks out revenge on the groom with a knife conventions such as death by using dead flowers and weapons such as the knife and the film would contain areas of dispression this will be shown by showing a close up of the brides face of a tear running down her face this would be an 15 because of the conventions the conventions of death and horror. There would be no dialoge this is because just having music will make it more intense. 
the sound would be a scary sound somthing which can make you tell that the scene isnt right and makes your think what is going to happen next? the mise-en-scene would be settings like the church and the woodland area to create a mysetrious view of the actors.

The deal
 Our  next idea is called the deal. This idea involves props such as drugs, guns, knifes and gangsters. The plot is about about drug dealers and how someone is going to die as for revenge as someone has not paid hundreds of pounds to a drug dealer.
this may contain some chase scene and conventions such as death and connotations such as blood. shots would be used such as close up mid shot, long shots. and point of view shots 
this would also be a classification of 15 this is because has conventions such as blood and knifes and guns. 
The representation of these characters would be dark clothing and hooded characters this is to show secrecy of the drug deals.

Is it really paradise?The third idea is, Is it really paradise? This is about a couple that go on a honeymoon which is set out to be perfect and as they are walking down the street the man hears a scream. with the intentions of finding out who this was he goes to look who it is this has been planned that the husband leaves the women alone so they can be separated she is left waiting for hours for her husband be as expected he never returns. But there is a shadow lurking in the corner ready to take the man creates the disappearance of her husband.
This would be a classification of 12 this is because it doesn't have a foul language or any gore scenes, but weapons may be used such as a gun.The film would also only be a 12 because of reasons such as the darkness and mysteriousness.
The honeymooners representation would be in light colour representing happiness but the murder would be wearing dark clothes to indicate mystery.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

film idea classifications

In our film idea we would give it the film classification of 15 the reason for this is because of the violent as a knife would be used and conventions such as death and signifier of blood, plus because the character has mental problems and is mentally distress.
This wouldn't be classified as 18 because it doesn't contain enough foul language or violents.

How does the "Donnie Darko" film cover reveal it's a thriller?

Donnie Darko is portrayed as a thriller, by looking at the cover. We can tell this because of the colours, font, facial expressions, signifier and conventions.
The front cover is assembled by using colours such as blue and black, the character Donnie is presented as blue this gives us an impression that the film contains ambiguity.
The colour blue also could lead us to infer that time travel is entered into scenes the colour blue is characterize as a negative colour which my give a clue that this may be a gloomy film to indicate death.

The brightness of Donnie on the front cover could also give out a signifier of space and time travel. Because he has been portrayed as the main character. So the light shows his importance, and to the world. This is because light is a very heroic symbol so it infers he may be a hero.
The darkness of the film cover (black) which are losing in from each corner  revealed that the world maybe ending by getting this impression the audience could jump to the conclusion that Donnie is a hero because he is a saviour of the earth.
The props in the front cover is a item such as a axe to illustrate his destruction it gives the sense of danger and danger is a convention which is how we can determine this is a thriller.
The centre  of the body shows a bright beam (orb) this could infer he is being controlled and is under influence.

Another connotation is his facial expression these give off a negative vibe as it creates a sense of evil and deviousness, we know this by his eyes because they show that they are off concentration as if he is thinking of something. Which gives clearer thoughts towards the axe.
The last piece of information reveal it is a thriller film is the lettering and font, the main title  "Donnie Darko" is bold and is shadowy to infer mystery this provides conventions for being a thriller. 
The tag line shows it is a conventions of a thriller as it is a question " WHY ARE YOU WEARING THAT STUPID MAN SUIT" the words language comes across as angry and sarcastic as Frank say this back to him when he said " why are you wearing that stupid man suit".

Ruberta sparrow the author of the book which is given to Donnie is layed out on the film cover it is one of the pages from her book it is part over Donnie it seems as if he has been labeled like a skeleton diagram. this seems as if it labels his weaknesses and strengths to see if he is Worthy of a job.